proshop_django copied to clipboard
Things wrong!
You can still order without having anything in the cart!(Just get something in stock and place the order(since we don't even need to pay yet) like the camera and click the go back arrow to go back to the order screen, and since we reset the cart for each order, the cart will be empty, and we can spam the place order button filling the database with orders with no products and this follows the second issue.)
Why do place the order and we don't even pay yet? The user can just keep placing the order filling up all the database and when someone pays then what lol. Shouldn't the paypal buttons be in the placeorder.js screen and not the orderscreen.js. So this problem doesn't occur and we only see the paid orders. I'm struggling right now as I'm a beginner so I need to learn more just to fix this. I feel like it's easy but when I try I face many problems.
3.Many other problems as well that need to be fixed. For example on your twitter saying you found some problems and a hacker changed the images. I don't know if you had updated the course and showed a way but yeah seems pretty dumb. I'm still going to try to learn more and fix these problems myself or get some help but yeah why do it like that in the first place.
I got the same problem and I solve the first one: you could see the pull request (