
Results 33 comments of divStar

I am wondering if I am actually also running into this issue at the moment. I have a page, which has a date as URL parameter. If I switch to...

Since this issue is open, I'd like to drop a comment about this UI framework working great with SvelteKit and Vite - especially from a devs POV. Build times seem...

I just barely tipped my toes into TailwindCSS with Svelte, PostCSS and vite and I must say, I ditched it already. Why? Because even once I have extended the grid...

> I think the order of the returned names should reflect the `weekStart` of the local setting: > > `dayjs.locale({ ...de, weekStart: 1 });` should return `weekdays:"Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag_Sonntag".split("_")` I absolutely agree...

I just wanted to chime in. From what little I understand, it's not just that a `svelte-add` issue, is it? When I have a `tailwind.config.js` (note the extension: it's `js`...

I actually second (or third) this. I have a git bare repository on the same machine Docker and Portainer run on and I currently have my GitLab instance mirror the...

Thank you, sorry - apparently `yarn build:server` does not execute Tests in the backend (I thought it would). I will run them later locally (I hope there is a way,...

I think it looks cool and seems pretty responsive. However: I believe from a dev point of view I only have altered the older AngularJS views if I am not...

Oh my god.. I finally had some time (after vacation and some heavy workload during workdays) and I finally managed to figure out how GO tests work (I had no...

Okay, I have implemented the ability to set and update the Icon URL for stacks, though I assume I only added this functionality to Docker Compose stacks, because I do...