cljs-web3 copied to clipboard
Method: toWei was not found in object.
I'm new to web3 and clojure. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. First : is this lib still supported?
I have included in my project.clj
[cljs-web3 "0.19.0-0-11"]
And in my views.clj
(ns project.views
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[multis.subs :as subs]
[cljs-web3.core :as web3]
[cljs-web3.eth :as web3-eth]
; activiate ethereum backend
(def enabled (js/ethereum.enable (fn [err res] (
(.log js/console res)
; get w3 instance
(def my-web3 (or (aget js/window "web3")
(if goog.DEBUG
(web3/create-web3 ""))))
(def w3 (new (aget js/window "Web3") (aget js/window "ethereum")))
(def amount (web3/to-wei 1 :ether))
I get an error:
Failed to load project/views.cljs Method: toWei was not found in object.
What am I doing wrong?