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Nested Spheres
I'd like to suggest the addition of the capability to run models with multiple spheres arbitrarily placed inside other spheres (similar to MSTM). As far as I can tell, there is not currently another light scattering code with this capability that uses GPU computing, and it would represent a significant increase in capability.
I'm happy to donate my time and coding skills, but unfortunately don't currently know enough to do it myself.
This would be a useful addition. Your help is more than welcome - if you want to do it, we will give you all the support you need.
Jan Schäfer's MatScat https://it.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/36831-matscat might be a good starting point to implement stratified (i.e. concentric) spheres into CELES
I've got a paper or two to get off my desk before I can devote serious time to it, but it's something I'm planning on doing as of now (which is not to say that someone else that gets to it first shouldn't do it!).