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Decoding data from TTN to DataCake
I am having trouble decoding data on DataCake
I have it set up on TTN which works great and have set up an integration with DataCake - I tried your decoder from your instructions with DataCake but don't get any correct values for any decoded values. My integration webhook URL from TTN is https://api.datacake.co/integrations/lorawan/tti
Here is the decoder I am using:
` function Decoder(bytes, port) { var decoded = {}; // avoid sending Downlink ACK to integration (Cargo) if (port === 1) { var lonSign = (bytes[0]>>7) & 0x01 ? -1 : 1; var latSign = (bytes[0]>>6) & 0x01 ? -1 : 1;
var encLat = ((bytes[0] & 0x3f)<<17)+
var encLon = ((bytes[3] & 0x7f)<<16)+
var hdop = bytes[8]/10;
var sats = bytes[9];
var maxHdop = 2;
var minSats = 5;
// if ((hdop < maxHdop) && (sats >= minSats)) {
// Send only acceptable quality of position to mappers
decoded.latitude = latSign * (encLat * 108 + 53) / 10000000;
decoded.longitude = lonSign * (encLon * 215 + 107) / 10000000;
decoded.altitude = ((bytes[6]<<8)+bytes[7])-1000;
decoded.accuracy = (hdop*5+5)/10
decoded.hdop = hdop;
decoded.sats = sats;
// } else {
// decoded.error = "Need more GPS precision (hdop must be <"+maxHdop+
" & sats must be >= "+minSats+") current hdop: "+hdop+" & sats:"+sats;
// }
return decoded;
return null;
I get something that looks like this when debugging in DataCake:
{ "accuracy": 0.5, "altitude": -1000, "hdop": 0, "latitude": 5.3e-06, "longitude": 1.07e-05, "sats": 0 }
Please give me your original payload (before decodind) I think this is a payload from a frame w/o gps position (basically full of 0)
Hi Paul thanks for your speedy reply - here is a screen grab from TTN - I think you may be right about the payload being zero's - is my config wrong.
You get 00.. when there is no GPS fix You decoder should bypass this situation.