RenderStream-UE icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RenderStream-UE copied to clipboard

RenderStream plugin for Unreal Engine

RenderStream Unreal Engine Plugin


  1. have Microsoft Visual Studio installed
  2. have git.exe
  3. have corresponding Unreal Engine (UE) version installed

To Generate Plugin:

Step 1:

  • run generate_uplugin.bat
    • if cmd failed with error message stating "generate_uplugin.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file generate_uplugin.ps1 is not digitally signed."
      • you might need to:
        • edit the bat file to use "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass"
        • or edit the LocalMachine's PowerShell execution policy to "bypass".
    • if cmd failed with error message stating "could not find git.exe in Path Variable"
      • edit Windows Environment Variables -> "PATH" variable to include the location of git.exe.

Result: "RenderStream-UE.uplugin" created.

Step 2:

  • run package_plugin.bat
  • when prompted, enter unreal_engine_path, for example "E:\UE_4.27"
    • Note: you should have the UE version matching the plugin version installed

Result: A new folder "Packaged" is created and the packaged plugin is created.


alt text

This project provides RenderStream input from Unreal Engine to disguise designer.

For the plugin setup process - please visit the RenderStream and Unreal Engine page for more details.

A Demo Unreal Project can be found on the disguise Resources page

Please note that from version 1.26 onwards, the plugin has been renamed from "disguiseuerenderstream" to "RenderStream-UE". Existing Unreal projects will need to be updated to reflect this.