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PNG compression - larger then before
Hey, i am currently try to compress png and jpg images with lilliput.
While i am uploading pngs the png file sizes are larger then before - with all kind of compression levels (1 to 9):
var EncodeOptions = map[string]map[int]int{
matchers.TypeJpeg.Extension: {lilliput.JpegQuality: 85},
matchers.TypePng.Extension: {lilliput.PngCompression: 9},
var fileType types.Type
if fileType = filetype.MatchMap(buf.Bytes(), matchers.Map{
matchers.TypeJpeg: matchers.Jpeg,
matchers.TypePng: matchers.Png,
}); fileType == filetype.Unknown {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(h.StatusBadRequest, http.Response(fmt.Errorf("filetype unsupported"), nil))
if decoder, err = lilliput.NewDecoder(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(h.StatusInternalServerError, http.Response(err, nil))
defer func() {
if header, err = decoder.Header(); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(h.StatusInternalServerError, http.Response(err, nil))
var ops = lilliput.NewImageOps(8192)
defer func() {
var opts = &lilliput.ImageOptions{
FileType: fmt.Sprintf(".%s", fileType.Extension),
Width: header.Width(),
Height: header.Height(),
ResizeMethod: lilliput.ImageOpsResize,
NormalizeOrientation: false,
EncodeOptions: EncodeOptions[fileType.Extension],
var data = make([]byte, maxSize)
if data, err = ops.Transform(decoder, opts, data); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(h.StatusInternalServerError, http.Response(err, nil))
log.Printf("%d:%d", len(buf.Bytes()), len(data)) // 112319:270094
Before (112 KB)
After (270 KB)
pngCompression 1
the result is 112319:408167
the origin image is png8 to png32.. so the image is larger. so if have some func keep png8~ everything will be ok.
so there is no support for png8?