discord-rpc copied to clipboard
EXC_BAD_ACCESS on bool BaseConnection::Open()
Hello everyone. I have a problem. I'm trying to test integration of discord-rpc on my program. Currently devolping on "MacOSX, BigSur 11.2.3". Added:
- connection_unix.cpp
- connection.h
- msg_queue.h
- backoff.h
- discord_register_osx.m
- discord_rpc.cpp
- rpc_connection.cpp
- rpc_connection.h
- serialization.cpp
- serialization.h with rapidjson from tencent.
Also included all includings. And it is compiling with ne errors. But when i run program, it has bad access on BaseConnection::Open(). And it returns self, this NULL as you can see on screenshot bellow.
Also initializing RPC with:
void DiscordRPC::StartDiscordRPC(){
DiscordEventHandlers event_handler;
memset(&event_handler, 0, sizeof(event_handler));
Discord_Initialize("clientID", &event_handler, 1, "123");
void DiscordRPC::UpdateDiscordRPC()
DiscordRichPresence discordPresence;
memset(&discordPresence, 0, sizeof(discordPresence));
discordPresence.state = "test";
discordPresence.details = "test";
discordPresence.largeImageKey = "picmin";
discordPresence.largeImageText = "test";
discordPresence.partyId = "ae488379-351d-4a4f-ad32-2b9b01c91657";
discordPresence.joinSecret = "MTI4NzM0OjFpMmhuZToxMjMxMjM= ";
Calling StartDiscordRPC() in program start for once and calling UpdateDiscordRPC() on my program's update event. Program crashes from start. Even before calling UpdateDiscordRPC().