OpenTLD copied to clipboard
CUDA acceleration for OpenTLD's object detector
After select region to track: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'thrust::system::system_error' what(): function_attributes(): after cudaFuncGetAttributes: invalid device function
In version above 3.0 `OpenCV` had changed it's structure but does not change an interface, so I thing you should update this repository to support actual version of `OpenCV` library.
Hello, I've been trying to compile the source on Mac OS X 10.7.5 following the homebrew installation steps (including adding a PR for updated steps). I'm currently stymied in the...
I run this program on Jetson TX1, compile CUDA_ENABLE=ON, it seems ok, but time delay is so much longer than compile without CUDA_ENABLE. Any ideas ? Best Regards xavier
I compiled the code, but I when start running, the program crashed and output below errors: NCV Assertion Failed: cudaError_t=11, file=C:/Users/Desktop/TLD_GPU/OpenT LD/src/libopentld/tld/detector/cuda/npp/, line=349 NCV Assertion Failed: NcvStat=2, file=C:/Users/Desktop/TLD_GPU/OpenTLD/sr c/libopentld/tld/detector/cuda/npp/, line=403...
/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.40.2/./glib/gmem.c:103: failed to allocate 4915200 bytes