ansible-pyenv copied to clipboard
Ansible role - pyenv
> TASK [pyenv : Install versions] ************************************************ > task path: /Users/yujunz/Develop/denv/roles/pyenv/tasks/main.yml:4 > [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using bare variables is deprecated. Update your playbooks so that the environment value uses the full...
> statically included: /Users/yujunz/Develop/denv/roles/pyenv/tasks/osx/pyenv.yml > [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Specifying include variables at the top-level of the task is deprecated. Please see: > and-encouraging-reuse > for currently supported syntax regarding included...
When trying this role, it fails to install the versions: ``` TASK: [dirn.pyenv | Install versions] ***************************************** failed: [] => (item=2.7.9) => {"cmd": "pyenv install 2.7.9", "failed": true, "item": "2.7.9",...
It can deploy pyenv by non-root user and it will be install at the home of any specific user
All tasks are executed under the same user. Some tasks (namely, apt) require root access, so the whole role should be executed with "sudo: yes". But in this case pyenv...