ctakes-server copied to clipboard
A simple REST-server around ctakes clinical pipeline.
- Download CTakes (e.g., follow ctakes user installation) to CTAKES_HOME.
- Clone this repository, cd into it and run 'mvn package'.
- To set up necessary resources, run the following:
ln -s $CTAKES_HOME/resources resources
ln -s $CTAKES_HOME/desc desc
Running Server
You can also start a simple REST Server with the following command (assuming you are in root dir):
java -Dctakes.umlsuser=<YOUR_UMLS_ID_HERE> -Dctakes.umlspw=<YOUR_UMLS_PASSSWORD_HERE> -Xmx5g -cp target/ctakes-server-0.1.jar:resources/ de.dfki.lt.ctakes.Server host(e.g. localhost) port(e.g. 9999) desc/path/to/desc.xml
You can then use the REST service via GET requests with parameters "text". E.g., in browser:
http://localhost:9999/ctakes?text=Pain in the left leg.
YTex Install Notes
- Follow YTex installation on ctakes website
- you do not need to care about optional installation steps
- requires Java-7
- use desc/ctakes-ytex-uima/desc/analysis_engine/AggregatePlaintextUMLSProcessor.xml
- comment assertion-node, because it requires a different scala version and is therefore not supported:
- exchange DictionaryLookupAnnotatorDB location to the following (because it works better):
<delegateAnalysisEngine key="DictionaryLookupAnnotatorDB">
<!--import location="./DictionaryLookupAnnotator.xml" /-->
<import location="../../../ctakes-dictionary-lookup-fast/desc/analysis_engine/UmlsLookupAnnotator.xml"/>