viewport-checker copied to clipboard
Add data-attribute for delay start animation
It will be very comfortable to set data-vp-add-class-delay
& data-vp-remove-class-delay
in html to create complex animation scenarios.
I use and then in particular the timeline function ( in the callbackFunction of viewportChecker() to create complexed delayed animations.
offset: 300,
callbackFunction: function () {
targets: '.product.visible .character',
opacity: [0, 1],
translateY: ['32px', 0],
delay: anime.stagger(40, {
direction: 'reverse'
}, 600).add({
targets: '.product.visible .product-photo img',
opacity: [
{ value: 0, duration: 300, delay: 75 },
{ value: 1, duration: 300, delay: 75 }
translateX: [
{ value: '-100%', duration: 300 },
{ value: 0, duration: 300 }
easing: 'easeInQuad',
}, '-=1500').add({
targets: '.product.visible .el',
opacity: [0, 1],
translateY: ['32px', 0],
delay: anime.stagger(50),
complete: function() {
}, '-=1000')