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direnv-vscode copied to clipboard

Environment variable substitution doesn't work in settings.json

Open anoopknayak opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

I have a vscode workspace with the workspace settings as follows:

  "go.toolsEnvVars": {
    "GO": "${env:GO}",
    "GOBIN": "${env:GOBIN}",
    "GONOPROXY": "${env:GONOPROXY}",
    "GOPATH": "${env:GOPATH}",
    "GOPRIVATE": "${env:GOPRIVATE}",
    "GOPROXY": "${env:GOPROXY}",
    "GOROOT": "${env:GOROOT}",
    "GOSUMDB": "${env:GOSUMDB}",
  "go.goroot": "${env:GOROOT}"

direnv extension logs picks up the value correctly but the Go extension complains saying that ${env:GOROOT} is not a valid goroot.

Is direnv the first extension to start or can that be guaranteed in any way so that the environment variables are loaded before any other extension?

anoopknayak avatar Aug 29 '23 02:08 anoopknayak