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Virtual Scroll for Angular Material Table

Virtual Scroll for Angular Material Table

An Angular Directive, which allow to use virtual scrolling in mat-table

npm npm Travis (.org) branch npm

Table of Contents

  • Live Demo
  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Development
  • Issues



$ npm install -save ng-table-virtual-scroll

For angular version 12 (or less), please use library version 1.3.*

$ npm install -save [email protected].*


Import TableVirtualScrollModule

import { TableVirtualScrollModule } from 'ng-table-virtual-scroll';

  imports: [
    // ...
export class AppModule { }

Note: you need to install and configure virtual scrolling (ScrollingModule) and mat-table (MatTableModule) before. TableVirtualScroll only make them work together properly

Configure the table

Data Source

The TableVirtualScrollDataSource extends the MatTableDataSource and must be used as the data source for the mat-table

Note: without TableVirtualScrollDataSource the directive won't work

import { TableVirtualScrollDataSource } from 'ng-table-virtual-scroll';

export class MyComponent {

  dataSource = new TableVirtualScrollDataSource();



The tvsItemSize directive makes the magic

<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport tvsItemSize="48" headerHeight="56" style="height: 400px;">
    <table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource">

Make sure, you set the height to the <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport> container

Also, you can provide additional properties:

tvsItemSize -> the row height in px (default: 48)

headerHeight -> the header row height in px (default: 56)

footerHeight -> the footer row height in px (default: 48)

headerEnabled -> is the header row in the table (default: true)

footerEnabled -> is the footer row in the table (default: false)

bufferMultiplier -> the size of rendered buffer. The bufferMultiplier * visibleRowsCount number of rows will be rendered before and after visible part of the table.


This project uses Angular CLI to build the package.

$ npm run build:lib ng-table-virtual-scroll


If you identify any errors in the library, or have an idea for an improvement, please open an issue.