
Results 66 comments of diocletiann

Just to make sure, after the first automated Packer run that installs all packages, run PackerCompile and restart Neovim? Thanks.

I'm getting stuck around installing 50/128 plugins. I disabled worktree which kept failing and changed vim-clap to `clap#installer#build_all` so it would compile an arm64 version for Apple M1. Now I...

Unfortunately vim-clap and a few others don't provide arm64-darwin binaries. I'm happy to figure out which plugins are breaking but I don't know where to look.

I'm trying to map ctrl - insert/del/home/end/pgup/pgdw and it's not working. For example `ctrl - 0x75` does nothing. Any clues? Thanks. Edit: the literals `delete` and `pagedown` work, but `home`...

Found a workaround, if you send a `stack.prev` and `stack.next` after creating a new stack it refreshes the IDs. Next time you focus the stack the windows don't flip.

I am, but it requires manually stacking each new window once I have 2-3 panes. Also, moving windows between spaces/displays disrupts the layout, requiring more manual adjustments.

> You can use the `yabai -m window --insert stack` command to make the next window add to the stack instead of having to stack it after opening. If you...

Something like `yabai -m config stack_layout_panes 2` would do.

One last suggestion - another way it could work would be a "max panes" value for the bsp layout, and then stack each new window onto the existing, least recently...

I found a decent solution: `yabai -m signal --add event=window_created action='yabai -m window prev --stack "$YABAI_WINDOW_ID"'` `prev` isn't ideal, I could select on `is-visible` and pick another window ID.