spc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
spc copied to clipboard

A scp wrapper to manage across multiple remote machines


SPC lets you transfer files and folders to multiple computers easily.

SPC is a scp wrapper that help you record all remote machines configurations. You can upload/download files to specific remote machine effortlessly.



  • Use a short name to identify each remote machine
  • Transfer multiple files/folders simutaneously
  • Intuitive operations


  1. Clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/dingyiyi0226/spc.git ~/.spc
  2. Define SPC_DIR and initialize spc. For Zsh or other shell user, subsitute .bash_profile for the corresponding configuration file.

    echo 'export SPC_DIR="$HOME/.spc"' >> ~/.bash_profile
    echo 'export PATH="$SPC_DIR/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
    echo 'eval "$(spc init)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  3. Restart the shell

    exec "$SHELL"

How to use

Set up remote machines

  1. Create a remote machine

    spc create mypc [email protected]
  2. Set/Modify the configurations if needed (the supported configurations)

    spc update mypc -P=8787 uploaddir=/home/me/Desktop
  3. Set the machine as default

    spc default mypc
  4. You can also get all remote machines and configurations

    spc remotes
    spc remote mypc

Transmit files/folders to remote machines

After setting the machine mypc as default, we can transfer files easliy!

  • Transfer to default machine

    spc file1.txt file2.txt dir1/
    spc download remoteFile1.txt remoteFile2.txt remoteDir1/
  • Transfer to specific machine

    spc -r mypc file1.txt file2.txt dir1/
    spc download -r mypc remoteFile1.txt remoteFile2.txt remoteDir1/

You can also modify configurations for this command

spc -d /home -c "-P=8787 -p" file.txt
spc download -d /home -c "-P=8787 -p" file.txt


For each remote machines, we can store these configurations:

  • address. Must exists, set automatically when you create the machine. Contains the informations of hostname and ip. (e.g. [email protected])
  • uploaddir. The remote directory that stores uploaded files. The default directory is ~/. (Must set as absolute path)
  • downloaddir. The local directory that stores downloaded files. The default directory is ~/. (Must set as absolute path)
  • scp args.

How it works

SPC is a scp wrapper. The configuration used in each scp command is stored under $SPC_DIR (normally $HOME/.spc)


spc support these commands:

  • spc (same as spc upload)
  • spc upload
  • spc download
  • spc create
  • spc delete
  • spc update
  • spc remove
  • spc remote
  • spc remotes
  • spc default

File transmitting commands

Consider this example remote configuration

[email protected]

spc upload

Upload file/folders to remote machine

spc [upload] [-r <remote-name>] [-d <directory>] [-c <config-string>] <file> <file2> <...>

<directory> can be a absolute/relative path if the path w/wo a leading /

  • spc test.txt
    upload ./text.txt to /home/dingyiyi0226/Documents/text.txt
  • spc -d dir1 test.txt
    upload ./text.txt to /home/dingyiyi0226/Documents/dir1/text.txt
  • spc -d /dir1 test.txt
    upload ./text.txt to /dir1/text.txt

spc download

Download file/folders from remote machine

spc download [-r <remote-name>] [-d <directory>] [-c <config-string>] <file1> <file2> <...>

<directory> can be a absolute/relative path if the path w/wo a leading /

  • spc download test.txt
    download /home/dingyiyi0226/Documents/text.txt to /Users/dingyiyi0226/Downloads/test.txt
  • spc download -d dir1 test.txt
    download /home/dingyiyi0226/Documents/dir1/text.txt to /Users/dingyiyi0226/Downloads/test.txt
  • spc download -d /dir1 test.txt
    download /dir1/text.txt to /Users/dingyiyi0226/Downloads/test.txt

Remote setting commands

spc create

Create a new remote machine

spc create <remote-name> <address>

spc delete

Delete a remote machine

spc delete <remote-name>

spc update

Update the remote machine configurations

spc update <remote-name> <config> <config2> <...>

spc remove

Remove the remote machine configurations

spc remove <remote-name> <config-key> <config-key2> <...>

spc remote

Show the remote machine configurations

spc remote [<remote-name>]

spc remotes

List all remote machines

spc remotes [--raw]

spc default

Set the default remote machine

spc default <remote-name>


SPC is inspired by pyenv