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MQL4/5 Foundation Library For Professional Developers
1st of all a great library. Can the last bit of MQL4/5 compatibility issues be completed soon?
Mql\Format\Json.mqh ``` bool parseInt(int &sign,int &value) { sign=1; unichar c=m_stream.nextChar(); if(c=='-') { sign=-1; c=m_stream.nextChar(); } value=0; if(c=='0') // 0 { // sign=1; // 上面預設就是sign=1這裡還做sign=1會把負數變為正 return true; } else if(c='1') //...
Hi!Excellent work!In MT5 work flawessly in MT4 before new update also work as well.Now MT4 Build 1280 makes this error in the title above.I Know MT4/5 very little.Using Your library...
I try to trace the code of `SymbolAnalyzer::buildCurrencyIndex` of `FxSymbol` module then find symbol is added into `m_spacials` HashMap rather than building `m_index` if Base currency equals to Profit currency...
It would be nice to have a possibility to set collection, specifically Vector to handle its entries as series, so that the order of entries is inversed. Alternatively, a new...
consider add more example for OrderGroup and OrderTracker.if have a simple ea demo use api even better.
Hey, I'm using the Vector with customized class, is there any way to save and load the vector to the disk? Thanks