ngx-md icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ngx-md copied to clipboard

Angular(ngx) directive for parsing markdown content in your web application.

Results 37 ngx-md issues
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Bumps [glob-parent]( from 5.1.0 to 5.1.2. Release notes Sourced from glob-parent's releases. v5.1.2 Bug Fixes eliminate ReDoS (#36) (f923116) v5.1.1 Bug Fixes unescape exclamation mark (#26) (a98874f) Changelog Sourced from...


Awesome package, but could you please make sure it works with Universal as well? It says ``` ERROR ReferenceError: document is not defined at decodeHtml at MarkdownComponent.processRaw at MarkdownComponent.ngAfterViewInit ```...


Suppose we set the data input to some text, e.g "hello". In this case the md.component updates the text just fine. However if the text is then set to an...

If there is a \n in the content, it is not translated properly. Code: ``` # Title \n ## Subtitle ``` Result: ![image]( Does it need extra configuration ?

## I'm submitting a... [ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release) [ ] Bug report [ ] Performance issue [ ]...

The checkbox rendering is not working. When I try to render the markdown [x] Blue, it is displaying it as a text instead of a checkbox.

When I'm using the module and writing code blocks within markdown, it will sometimes display the code properly (with indents) and sometimes without. Example below: ```javascript @Component({ selector: 'app-mobile-navigation', templateUrl:...

There seems to be a vulnerability for the `marked` dependency [here]( It can be seen when running `npm audit`. The solution seems to be to upgrade to marked v0.6.2 or...

Hello multiline code formating not working For example this: ![Снимок экрана от 2019-09-27 01-15-15]( rendered to single line without line breaks: ![Снимок экрана от 2019-09-27 01-16-21]( But expected like this:...