roll icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
roll copied to clipboard

Roll — backend for Clojure

Roll framework

roll /ˈrōl/

informal. to begin to move or operate; start; commence. Let's roll at sunrise.

Roll makes it easy for your project to include a Webserver (Http-kit or Aleph), Websockets (Sente), REPL (nREPL), Routing (Reitit), Task Scheduling (Chime), File Watching (Hawk) and Logging (Timbre). Configure and manage them using a simple config file (Integrant).


roll is published on Clojars. Add the following to your project.clj's :dependencies:

[dimovich/roll "0.3.337"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

dimovich/roll {:mvn/version "0.3.337"}


(To run this you'll need to install Clojure CLI tools.)


{:paths ["src"]

 :deps {dimovich/roll {:mvn/version "0.3.337"}}}


{:roll/httpkit {:port 5000}

 :roll/handler {:routes [["/" example.server/index]]}}


(ns example.server
  (:require [roll.core]))

(defn index [req]
  {:status 200 :body "Hello World!"})

(defn -main []
  (roll.core/init "config.edn"))


clj -m example.server

Navigate to localhost:5000.

Example Projects

Basic and Descryptors.

For all possible options see config.edn.

For Aleph support see this git branch.