protonmail-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
protonmail-cli copied to clipboard

✉️ Command line utility for -- unofficial

ProtonMail CLI

protonmail-cli v0.0.3 Python 3 OS Unofficial

Command line utility for


System dependencies (Probably everything's already installed)

sudo apt install -y xvfb python3-pip firefox                 # on debian
sudo dnf install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb python3-pip firefox    # on fedora
sudo pacman -S xorg-server-xvfb python-pip firefox wget      # on arch


# Find your release:

# for linux x64

sudo tar -xvf geckodriver-*.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/ ; rm geckodriver-*.tar.gz

Protonmail CLI

git clone /opt/protonmail-cli

ln -s /opt/protonmail-cli/ /bin/protonmail-cli
pip3 install -r /opt/protonmail-cli/requirements.pip


Use as a command line

# show full usage
protonmail-cli --help
# each sub-command has its own `--help` section.

# list inbox - print latest mails
protonmail-cli list -t inbox
protonmail-cli list -t spam

# check inbox for new mails
protonmail-cli check

# send mail
protonmail-cli send \
    -t "[email protected]" \
    -t "[email protected]" \
    -s "my subject" \
    -b "my mail message" \
    --html # (optional if you want to render body as html) \
    -a "/path/to/file.jpg" \ # (optional for adding attachments)
    -a "/path/to/other/file.pdf"

Global settings, including user credentials, can be specified on /opt/protonmail-cli/protonmail/

User credentials can also be set in their own file, overriding those found inside The global argument --credential allow you to set the file path of this config file. This would allow better security by allowing each user of a multi-users machine to keep their credentials inside their home folder.

If user credentials are not specified in or credentials file then cli prompts you to type them.

Example usage of separate credentials file

# /home/user/protonmailcli.ini

username = [email protected]
password = mysafepass
protonmail-cli --credential /home/user/protonmailcli.ini list 

For even better security, chmod 600 this file, so only the user launching the application can read it.

Run in an interactive session

Simply run protonmail-cli without any parameters to open an interactive session.

[Anonymous] Choose an option from the menu
m           : Shows this menu
x           : Exit
l           : Login
> l
ProtonMail email or username: dimkouv
ProtonMail password:
Welcome dimkouv

[dimkouv] Choose an option from the menu
m           : Shows this menu
x           : Exit
e           : Logout
inbox       : Show inbox mails
drafts      : Show drafts
sent        : Show sent mails
starred     : Show starred mails
archive     : Show archived mails
spam        : Show spam mails
trash       : Show trash mails
allmail     : Show all mails

Use as a package

Core functions can be called directly from your code instead of using protonmail-cli

pip3 install git+

Usage example

import protonmail

client = protonmail.core.ProtonmailClient()
client.login("[email protected]", "mypassword")

# send mails
    ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "my mail message"

# send mails as html
    ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    <h1>hello friend</h1>
    <p>This message was sent from <strong>protonmail-cli</strong></p>

# upload attachments

# read mails
mails = client.get_mails("inbox")
spam = client.get_mails("spam")

# check for new mail
has_new_mail = client.has_new_mail()



cd protonmail-cli
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install .
python3 tests/