pgloader copied to clipboard
"multiple default values specified for column" for multiple tables
we are simply attempting to extract the DDL from mysql in order to migrate an application to postgres.
we are getting the following error for many tables:
ERROR Database error 42601: multiple default values specified for column
an example definition is:
account_id bigserial default NULL,
i don't see a multiple default value above; what am i missing?
- [ ] pgloader --version
pgloader version "3.6.2"
compiled with SBCL 1.4.0-1.el7
[ ] did you test a fresh compile from the source tree?
[ ] did you search for other similar issues?
yes, only found one for sql server
- [ ] how can I reproduce the bug?
FROM mysql://*****
INTO postgresql://******
WITH schema only
type bigint when (= precision 20) to bigserial drop typemod
excluding table names matching ~/accounts/
- [ ] pgloader output you obtain
may i email you this output to keep the information confidential?