pgloader copied to clipboard
load-lisp-file option fails with Lisp error
Thanks for contributing to pgloader by reporting an issue! Reporting an issue is the only way we can solve problems, fix bugs, and improve both the software and its user experience in general.
The best bug reports follow those 3 simple steps:
- show what you did,
- show the result you got,
- explain how the result is not what you expected.
In the case of pgloader, here's the information I will need to read in your bug report. Having all of this is a big help, and often means the bug you reported can be fixed very efficiently as soon as I get to it.
Please provide the following information:
[x] pgloader --version
pgloader version "3.6.26cc9ca" compiled with SBCL 1.5.9
[x] did you test a fresh compile from the source tree? The version appears to be the same as the most recent commit.
[x] did you search for other similar issues?
This seems to be the most similar related issue:
This earlier issue is somewhat similar but has no error message at all:
[x] how can I reproduce the bug?
touch transform.lisp file.load echo "(in-package #:pgloader.transforms)" > transform.lisp pgloader -l transform.lisp file.load
This is observed to occur once the -l
option is specified even if the command file was previously working, so the contents of the command file are thought to be independent of the bug. The error also appears to be independent of the contents of the Lisp file.
- [x] pgloader output you obtain
- [x] data that is being loaded, if relevant
No data is loaded.
- [x] How the data is different from what you expected, if relevant
The Lisp file should be loaded without an error message.
command-line-arguments version "2.0.0" can reproduce this error. "2.0.0" is incompatible with "1.0.2" used in pgloader.
Hi @mfkhr ; could you send a bug fix PR?
So, what should I do to make it work?
Is this fix released somewhere? I have the following installed and run into this problem:
pgloader version "3.6.2"
compiled with SBCL 2.0.10
Same problem with 3.6.2 on Centos from yum postgresql repo. Can you explain me how to solve this ? Thanks.