I am completely confused. !M uses the following terminology and we have the chain: local x server - local proxy (~nxcomp) - remote proxy (~nxagent) - x-client (our program). Code...
> Ok, after reading your description again I think you have done the right thing from the beginning. I can replicate your result: > ... Very good! 1. Our terminology...
> Presumable exposure point - nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(). Ups! Because of excessive optimism, I confused the direction of the messages. This is normal for me. The necessary client messages are safely caught...
Nuts! Everything is working. You have saved a lot of my time. Now I can add handling these messages to nxwin and its pseudo-wm. But in reality, to steal from...
I have added client messages handling to [nxwin](http://git.etersoft.ru/people/dimbor/packages/?p=NXClient-W32.git;a=summary) multiwindow mode. There, the code is no longer "academic", but is still used in [OpenNX for Windows](https://unixforum.org/up/nxman/OpenNXCE-1.0.0-r15.6.exe) and in [NXClientCE](https://unixforum.org/up/nxman/NXClientCE-3.5.0-9-r15.6.exe). No problems...
It feels good. I do not know what to find fault with. Thanks again.