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Computer science student starter pack is a repository which contains all the free and open source resources which can be helpful to any computer science or IT student.


Computer science student starter pack is a repository which contains all the free and open source resources which can be helpful to any computer science or IT student.

This starter pack is a collection of,

  • Events and conferences :tickets: :airplane: :calendar:
  • Ambassadorships / Outreach programs :mortar_board: :school_satchel:
  • Scholarships
  • Competitions, mentorship programs and hackathons :triangular_flag_on_post: :trophy:
  • Open source tools and APIs :wrench: :computer: :cd:
  • Awsome repositories :file_folder: :open_file_folder:
  • Free books :closed_book: :books: :book:
  • Free courses and tutorials :computer:
  • Internships :mag_right:
  • Job opportunities :mag_right:
  • Communities

Contribution Guidelines :eyes: :warning: :white_check_mark:

This repositories is open to anyone for contributions. So, feel free to share the awsome resoucers that you have utilized or experinced during your time as a computer science or IT stdent. Let's help the others to make thier #UniLife remarkable.

Please follow the following guidelines if you want to add something to the cs-student-starter-pack

Let's say that you want to add a conference to the pack

  1. Fork this repository to make sure you have your own version of this collection.
  2. Validate that your contibution belongs to one of the items/sections from the above list (ex: conference).
  3. Find the related directory for your contribution (ex: events/).
  4. Add the name of the contribution to the README of that directory (events/README.md)
  5. Create a mardown file (ex: abc_conference.md) for that particular contribution.
  6. Once you add more information (useful links, images or any related information) to the newly created markdown/.md file make a PR.

Let's say, you can't find a relavan catageory for your contribution

Ex: if the internship category wasn't there in the list

  1. Create an issue in the repository with the category name you want to add to the pack/collection as Add: internship category.
  2. Explain the advantage of adding this to the collection in the issue body/description.
  3. Let's add relevant labels 🏷 (Ex: new-category, need-review)
  4. Tag myself or any of the maintanier of the repo.
  5. Wait for the confirmation/acceptance from one of the maintainers to make a PR.
  6. Make the PR and let others know that great piece of Information.

Note - each category might have its own set of guidelines for contributions please refer them before you submit your contributions.