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The web framework nobody asked for, wants, or needs.

Futhark with Fangs!

Futhark with Fangs is a small Python script that provides a web API to a Futhark program. You thought GPU performance was inhibited by PCI Express bandwidth? Just wait until you have tried tunneling all your data over HTTP!


Create an amazing Futhark program, say, futapp.fut:

entry dotprod (xs: []i32) (ys: []i32) = reduce (+) 0 (map2 (+) xs ys)

entry sumrows (xss: [][]i32) = map (reduce (+) 0) xss

Compile it to a Python module:

$ futhark pyopencl --library futapp.fut

Give it some fangs!

$ ./futhark_with_fangs.py futapp

Now go to another shell and POST some data with curl, or your favourite HTTP library in your favourite programming language:

$ echo '[1,2] [3,4]' | curl -X POST --data-binary @- localhost:8000/dotprod

If an error occurs, you will probably get an appropriate HTTP status code back (404 for missing entry point, 400 if you pass it bad data, 500 if it fails for some other reason).


By default, futhark_with_fangs.py listens on port 8000 on localhost. Use --port and --host to change it.


  • Python 3 (this ~~is~~ was 2018, people)
  • PyOpenCL
  • Numpy
  • Futhark 0.4.1 or newer.

If you are lucky, you can run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to get the Python dependencies.