phaser3-typescript copied to clipboard
webpack phaser expose-loader config
When I try to run the examples and webpack boiler plate I get this error:
❯ yarn run webpack-boilerplate
yarn run v1.22.15
$ cd src/boilerplates/webpack-boilerplate && yarn && yarn run dev
[1/4] Resolving packages...
success Already up-to-date.
$ webpack --mode development && webpack serve --mode development
[webpack-cli] Failed to load '/mnt/data/projects/tests/phaser3-typescript/src/boilerplates/webpack-boilerplate/webpack.config.js' config
[webpack-cli] Error: Cannot find module 'Phaser'
I could solve it changing the expose-loader plugin config, requiring phaser lowercased:
test: require.resolve('phaser'),
loader: 'expose-loader',
options: { exposes: { globalName: 'Phaser', override: true } }
All examples I tried worked all right from here excepting boilerplate which had to unpate the Phaser import to:
import 'phaser';
Also, I found out that webpack sourcemaps are not showing exactly ts code as it does the parcel ones, is this normal?
Good point @Gazzell I've checked that @YongJieYongJie PR solved the problem although still incomplete (I left a comment to help there) I hope @digitsensitive can fix it soon
@Gazzell Thanks for reporting. Is this still a problem after updating all the dependencies? I was not able to reproduce your error.
@digitsensitive it's fix for me
@slowdream Thanks. PR #212 is merged.