terraform-provider-digitalocean copied to clipboard
Do not delete / recreate cluster when changing node pool
When you create a Kubernetes cluster with one node pool, and then afterward change the node pool properties (e.g. size
), it will delete the entire cluster.
This is similar to this issue. If you believe this is a duplicate issue, feel free to close this issue.
This behaviour is problematic because it messes up any authentication you might have, among other things.
It would be great if this would add a node pool, then delete the previous node pool, without deleting the cluster. This is possible via the DigitalOcean UI, though I don't know if there's a technical reason this behaviour isn't implemented or hard to implement.
Just dropping some notes here in case anyone else takes a look at this one...
The DigitalOcean API does not support resizing Droplets used in a node pool. As mentioned above, a new pool would need to be created and the old one then deleted. It must be done in that order as a cluster must have at least on node pool at all times.
behavior for the cluster is inherited from the shared node pool schema. That can be change by doing:
--- a/digitalocean/resource_digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool.go
+++ b/digitalocean/resource_digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool.go
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ func nodePoolResourceSchema() map[string]*schema.Schema {
ForceNew: true,
+ // Size should force a new node pool but not a new cluster
+ s["size"].ForceNew = true
// remove the id when this is used in a specific resource
// not as a child
delete(s, "id")
@@ -65,7 +68,6 @@ func nodePoolSchema() map[string]*schema.Schema {
"size": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
- ForceNew: true,
ValidateFunc: validation.NoZeroValues,
- With that done, the create and replace logic would need to be added to
. Unfortunately, doing so here means you are outside of Terraform normal state management. The UX is arguably much worse than the current situation as it is very misleading. It will look like an in-place upgrade of thesize
attribute and not sufficiently convey that your nodes will be replaced completely. For example:
"Do you want to perform these actions?"
# digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.foo will be updated in-place
~ resource "digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster" "test" {
# snip...
~ node_pool {
actual_node_count = 2
auto_scale = false
id = "348c6394-44d5-41e2-914a-721dfe759ed6"
labels = {}
max_nodes = 0
min_nodes = 0
name = "default"
node_count = 2
nodes = [
created_at = "2020-06-25 18:19:23 +0000 UTC"
droplet_id = "197500730"
id = "73a3aa23-d48f-4833-8e00-68e6ed9a908d"
name = "default-3ypbn"
status = "running"
updated_at = "2020-06-25 18:24:31 +0000 UTC"
created_at = "2020-06-25 18:19:23 +0000 UTC"
droplet_id = "197500732"
id = "66f40ab6-ca25-4eb6-80be-145a91bb88cd"
name = "default-3ypb3"
status = "running"
updated_at = "2020-06-25 18:24:31 +0000 UTC"
~ size = "s-2vcpu-2gb" -> "s-1vcpu-2gb"
tags = []
Nodes are first drained before being deleted. So in theory, depending on the work load, this might not cause down time if the new pool is up first. Though we shouldn't make assumptions about what is running in the cluster.
- This would seemingly be a good use case for SetNewComputed (directly or via ComputedIf). Using a CustomizeDiff, we could set both
to NewComputed to indicate they will change. Unfortunately, those will not work on nested attributes.
See: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/issues/459 and https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/commit/1e08e982731eb0c0a35fc00dcc3878bb1f790f70#diff-5572654f34bded06e0d3e5eb9ed7d1bf
You can't set individual items in lists, you can only set the list as a whole, so we shouldn't allow sub-blocks to SetNew or SetNewComputed.
Using SetNewComputed
or SetNew
on the entire node_pool
does not work as not all of the attributes are computed.
This will also complicates https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-digitalocean/issues/303
This is also critical for our use case as well :-)
Would it simplify anything to make the node_pool
optional, and require there to be an associated digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool
I have just tested and the digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool
resource behaves exactly the same way when changing the node size - that is, it destroys the pool and then creates a new one.
Would love this feature as well
I'd LOVE this change, for real
Scaling the default node pool in general is a bit funky. If I change the size of the default node pool I am not getting a full recreation, but a lot of these
dial tcp connect: connection refused
Since it can't connect to the node pool anymore. I tried creating a separate node pool with digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool
, then changing the default node pool name to be identical to the created one in the hopes that it wouldn't break, but same connection refused
I don't mind doing manual steps like manually adding the new nodepool then removing the old one, but I couldn't find a proper way to tell the provider that this new node pool should be the default one
This is a real buzz killer that you need to recreate control plane to resize default node pool. I'd like to be able to create kubernetes cluster without default node pool, there is no way to perform any stable updates with current setup... Seems like this issue here is for very long can someone from @digitalocean take a look into that ?
As a workaround, for Jenkins Infrastructure we went on a cluster with a minimal node pool just for keeping our cluster safe, and another autoscaled node pool which can be scaled and modified at ease. It burns a little bit more resources but it's the only way we found to be able to tune our cluster nodes. Allowing node pool to scale to zero would be greatly appreciated for this second autoscaled pool too, but that's another topic ^^
If somebody doesn't like to burn resources I've figured out how to do it :). According to the docs (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/latest/docs/resources/kubernetes_node_pool)
Note: If the node pool has the terraform:default-node-pool tag, then it is a default node pool for an existing cluster.
The provider will refuse to import the node pool in that case because the node pool is managed by the digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster resource and not by this digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool resource.
So I ended up writting code like that
resource "digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster" "cluster" {
name = var.name
region = var.region
auto_upgrade = true
version = data.digitalocean_kubernetes_versions.version.latest_version
vpc_uuid = var.vpc_uuid
surge_upgrade = false
node_pool {
name = format("%s-hacky", local.node_pool_name)
size = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
node_count = 1
maintenance_policy {
start_time = "04:00"
day = "monday"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
resource "null_resource" "remove_cluster_node_pool" {
triggers = {
cluster_id = digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.cluster.id
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = format("%s/remove-default-node-pool.sh %s", path.module, digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.cluster.id)
resource "digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool" "default_node_pool" {
cluster_id = digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.cluster.id
name = local.node_pool_name
size = var.size
auto_scale = true
min_nodes = 1
max_nodes = 1
tags = local.tags
which creates node pool together with default node pool and after that null resource runs a script
wget "https://github.com/digitalocean/doctl/releases/download/v${DOCTL_VERSION}/doctl-${DOCTL_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
tar xf "doctl-${DOCTL_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
if ./doctl --access-token $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN kubernetes cluster node-pool list "${cluster_name}" | grep -v 'hacky'; then
node_pool_id=$(./doctl --access-token $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN kubernetes cluster node-pool list "${cluster_name}" | grep 'hacky' | awk '{print $1}')
./doctl --access-token $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN kubernetes cluster node-pool "${cluster_name}" "${node_pool_id}" --force
it's just imporant that your local.tags
contains terraform:default-node-pool
. Now you need to manually remove cluster from state and reimport it. You should have now node pool separated from main cluster. This is super hacky but achieves the goal :)
Interesting, thank very much for the detailed information @mkjmdski !
Would it simplify anything to make the
optional, and require there to be an associateddigitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool
This would be preferable, as we may create a K8s cluster with some small shared-CPU instances, then need to scale up to general purpose nodes. If we could simply create a new node pool, apply, then remove/scale to zero the original one, then this wouldn't really be a problem. It's only such a big issue because we can't get rid of that default node pool completely and we're stuck with whatever node size we chose for the lifetime of the K8s cluster.
I was able to work around this manually by:
- Add new worker pool in DO UI
- Wait for nodes to become
inkubectl get nodes
- Remove old worker pool in DO UI
- Add the
tag to the new worker pool in DO UI - Update the worker size and pool name in the
block - Remove the k8s cluster from the Terraform state with
terraform state rm digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.k8s
- Import the k8s cluster with
terraform import digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.k8s <my k8s cluster id>
using the cluster's ID that you can get from the DO UI - Run
terraform apply
to make sure there are no further changes
I had some issues with the node_pool size being 0 but it may be because I renamed my node pool after creating it.
@ChiefMateStarbuck what is the status of this at the moment? There are currently a lot of issues regarding this problem.
CC @andrewsomething @danaelhe