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AngularJS directive that provides responsive tabs with dropdown menu overflow


Responsive tabs with dropdown menu


Provide a reponsive tab menu that gracefully overflows into a dropdown.

Demo: http://digitalfondue.ch/df-tab-menu/



  • $ bower install df-tab-menu

Once installed, add df-tab-menu as a dependency in your module:

  • angular.module('myModule', ['digitalfondue.dftabmenu']);


  • AngularJS v1.2.0+ is supported



<ol df-tab-menu menu-control="{{navigationState}}">
	<li data-menu-item="state1"><a data-ng-href="#"><span>Item 1</span></a></li>
	<li data-menu-item="state2"><a data-ng-href="#"><span>Item 2</span></a></li>
	<li data-more-menu-item><a data-ng-href="#">More +</a></li>
  • only ol and ul are valid root elements
  • menu-control is used to control which tab item is the current one. It can be anything available in your scope. Example: using ui-router state name $scope.navigationState = $state.current.name;
  • each data-menu-item refers to a possible state provided by menu-control. If a state is invalid, an exception is throw, and the directive will fail to render correctly
  • data-more-menu-item is used to generate the dropdown entry when that contains the menu items overflow.
  • bootstrap tab classes can be added via the attribute theme="bootstrap" on the root element