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... Put ticket description here and add link to ticket ... Implementing an 'Add Reference' Button for All Groups in Citesphere with a Search Field Feature to Easily Add References to Group's Reference Field
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Make it so, Jenkins.
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layout is off
The author for the references string seems to be taken randomly
The next time it's "Haines R, 2019, What Makes Research Software Sustainable? An Interview Study With Research Software Engineers" If there are multiple authors, it should be "First author et al."
then clicking "Add", it takes a long time where the browser is not reacting. If the user clicks again, it adds the reference twice. There needs to be a loading indicator and the user should not be able to click the button again.
And I can add the same item as reference
- layout is off
- The author for the references string seems to be taken randomly
The next time it's "Haines R, 2019, What Makes Research Software Sustainable? An Interview Study With Research Software Engineers" If there are multiple authors, it should be "First author et al."
- then clicking "Add", it takes a long time where the browser is not reacting. If the user clicks again, it adds the reference twice. There needs to be a loading indicator and the user should not be able to click the button again.
- And I can add the same item as reference
- Updated the layout.
- For random author creation problem, I have sort the list by firstname.
- Added the loaded spinner.
- I tested adding same item as reference, It threw exception as expected. I tested it on item - "Self-Organization in Pattern Formation".
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Jenkins successfully deployed Citesphere to be reviewed!
Make it so, Jenkins.
Build failed. Maybe you broke the test cases?
compilation errors in tests
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Make it so, Jenkins.
Jenkins successfully deployed Citesphere to be reviewed!
- The search results box that shows the reference search results needs to show author and year, not just title.
- Also the box needs to say "Reference Search Results"
- And the column with the add button should have a heading "Add as reference"
- The references input field in the "Add references" modal should be deleted; instead the modal should close when an add button is clicked.
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Make it so, Jenkins.
Jenkins successfully deployed Citesphere to be reviewed!
Make it so, Jenkins.
Jenkins successfully deployed Citesphere to be reviewed!
When clicking on a reference after it has been added, the pop up is all empty. it needs to pull the information from the citation.
and there is a blank that shouldn't be there:
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Make it so, Jenkins.
Jenkins successfully deployed Citesphere to be reviewed!
- When there are no search results, there should be a message that says so.
- search should also happen if you hit enter after entring a term
Build failed. Maybe you broke the test cases?
Make it so, Jenkins.
Jenkins successfully deployed Citesphere to be reviewed!
Also there is a bug, if I search for soemthing that yields results, it shows results. I click close without selecting something. I search for something that doesn't exist, it shows me no results. I click close. I search for something that should yield results, but now it shows me no results.
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