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Review and Rating System for Laravel

Add Review and Rating Feature to your Laravel application

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Review and Rating System for Laravel

This package provides a simple review and rating system for Laravel. It supports Laravel 5.8 an up. Here is a quick demonstration of how it can be used:

//create a review
$author = User::find(1);
$review = "Awesome package! I highly recommend it!!";

$model->review($review, $author);

//write a review and include a rating
$model->review($review, $author, 5);

//write a review and include a rating and a title
$model->review($review, $author, 5, "Lovely packages");

//get the last review
$model->latestReview(); //returns an instance of \Digikraaft\ReviewRating\Review

//get the review content of the last review
$model->latestReview()->review; //returns 'Awesome package! I highly recommend it!!'

//get the rating of the last review
$model->latestReview()->rating; //return 5

//get the title of the last review
$model->latestReview()->title; //returns 'Lovely packages'


You can install the package via composer:

composer require digikraaft/laravel-review-rating

You must publish the migration with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Digikraaft\ReviewRating\ReviewRatingServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

Run the migration to publish the reviews table with:

php artisan migrate

You can optionally publish the config-file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Digikraaft\ReviewRating\ReviewRatingServiceProvider" --tag="config"

The content of the file that will be published to config/review-rating.php:

return [
      * The class name of the review model that holds all reviews.
      * The model must be or extend `Digikraaft\ReviewRating\Review`.
    'review_model' => Digikraaft\ReviewRating\Models\Review::class,

     * The name of the column which holds the ID of the model related to the reviews.
     * Only change this value if you have set a different name in the migration for the reviews table.
    'model_primary_key_attribute' => 'model_id',



Add the HasReviewRating trait to the model:

use Digikraaft\ReviewRating\Traits\HasReviewRating;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class EloquentModel extends Model
    use HasReviewRating;

Create a review

To create a review, use the review function of the trait. Like this:

$author = User::find(1);
$review = "Awesome package! I highly recommend it!!";

$model->review($review, $author);

The first argument is the content of the review while the second argument is the author. This can be any Eloquent model.

To create a review with rating, pass in the rating value as the third argument of the review function. Valid values are ints and floats:

$author = User::find(1);
$review = "Awesome package! I highly recommend it!!";

$model->review($review, $author, 5);

To create a review with rating and title, add the title as the fourth argument of the review function:

$author = User::find(1);
$review = "Awesome package! I highly recommend it!!";

$model->review($review, $author, 5, "Lovely packages");

You can also check if user has reviewed the model by using the hasReviewed function:

    if ($model->hasReviewed(auth()->user())) {
        // user has reviewed the model

Retrieving reviews

You can get the last review like this:

$model->latestReview(); //returns the latest instance of Digikraaft\ReviewRating\Review

The content of the review can be gotten like this:


To get the rating for the review, do this:


To get the title of the review:


All reviews can be retrieved like this:


To access each review from the reviews retrieved, do this:

$reviews = $model->reviews;

foreach($reviews as $review){
    echo $review->review . "<br>";

The allReviews scope can be used to retrieve all the reviews for all instances of a model:

$allReviews = EloquentModel::allReviews();

Retrieving basic Review Stats

You can get the number of reviews a model has:


To get the number of reviews a model has received over a period, pass in a Carbon formatted $from and $to dates as the first and second arguments respectively:

//get the number of reviews a model has received over the last month
$from = now()->subMonth();
$to = now();

$model->numberOfReviews($from, $to);

Note that an InvalidDate exception will be thrown if the $from date is later than the $to

You can get the number of ratings a model has:


To get the number of ratings a model has received over a period, pass in a Carbon formatted $from and $to dates as the first and second arguments respectively:

//get the number of reviews a model has received over the last month
$from = now()->subMonth();
$to = now();

$model->numberOfRatings($from, $to);

To get the average rating a model has received:


The average rating that is returned is by default not rounded. If you would like to round the returned result, pass an integer value of the decimal place you want it rounded to.

//round up to 2 decimal places

To get the average rating a model has received over a period, pass in a Carbon formatted $from and $to dates as the first and second arguments respectively:

//get the average rating a model has received over the last month, rounded to 2 decimal places:
$from = now()->subMonth();
$to = now();

$model->averageRating(2, $from, $to);

The withRatings scope can be used to retrieve all the reviews that have a rating for all instances of a model:

$allReviewsWithRating = EloquentModel::withRatings();

Check if model has review

You can check if a model has at least one review:


Check if model has rating

You can check if a model has at least one rating:



The Digikraaft\ReviewRating\Events\ReviewCreatedEvent event will be dispatched when a review has been created. You can listen to this event and take necessary actions. An instance of the review will be passed to the event class and can be accessed for use:

namespace Digikraaft\ReviewRating\Events;

use Digikraaft\ReviewRating\Models\Review;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class ReviewCreatedEvent
    /** @var \Digikraaft\ReviewRating\Models\Review */
    public Review $review;

    public function __construct(Review $review)
        $this->review = $review;

Custom model and migration

You can change the model used by specifying a different class name in the review_model key of the review-rating config file.

You can also change the column name used in the reviews table (default is model_id) when using a custom migration. If this is the case, also change the model_primary_key_attribute key of the review-rating config file.


Use the command below to run your tests:

composer test

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Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.