xbee_ansic_library icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
xbee_ansic_library copied to clipboard

STM32 Porting

Open rezasgpco opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

Hi Good time

I am need the directory, contain headers and source code files, for using the Digi XBee ANSI C Library on STM32 Platform (such as STM32F1xxx using keil uvision IDE).

I'll need to headers and source code files :

  • xbee_platform_stm32.c
  • xbee_serial_stm32.c
  • platform_config.h

Is it possible to write and add these files for the STM32 platforms? I need these files to port the Digi XBee ANSI C library to the STM32 microcontroller.

Thank you.

rezasgpco avatar Jul 07 '21 11:07 rezasgpco