designsystemet copied to clipboard
After a presentation of the [u-elements]( project we want to see how we can implement the amazing work done there into our components to make them not only accessible but...
### Description of the bug We need change the structure on read only labels so that they keep the changes made by the designer in Figma. - [ ] Test...
Issue containing all work related to contrast mode feature from the design system
### Description Fokusmarkering på lenker legges som en bakgrunnsfarge. Her er det kort avstand mellom høyre/venstre kant av fokusmarkering til nærmeste bokstav, noe som kan redusere lesbarhet, særlig i de...
We need some merch for Designsystemet that can be shared at conferences, stands, etc. - Stickers for laptops is suggested - We should have a special shiny edition that only...
We need to define what our breakpoints are and define them as tokens so we can export them as css variables (even if media queries doens't support it [yet]( and...
### Description of the bug Title basically. If I navigate the combobox dropdown using the arrow keys JAWS will eventually read the order incorrectly. Doesn't seem to matter if I've...
When do we add support for `aria-errormessage`, should we even though its not fully supported? We are currently using `aria-invalid` in combination with `aria-describedby` which is also an valid option....
Når skal du bruke surface default, subtle, hover, active osv.. Lage en oversikt. Tabell?
Adjust the base colors in dark and contrast mode to fit better visually. * Reduce the saturation on certain color ranges to make the color less aggressive. * Reduce the...