gsplus copied to clipboard
config.txt, config.gsp and .config.gsp
From the GSPlus Manual.
This section is really not clear other than there are possibly 3 config files, I have found 2. One in the application package config.txt and the other at User called config.gsp.
The one in the apps package appears not to change only the config.gsp in my user account.
I would submit to you a clarification on the Default configuration files section on page 10 of the PDF if you explain their purpose and how they are used.
I would really like to understand the difference between the two and how they are used as compared to Multiple custom configuration files which is a very clear section page 10 of the PDF.
Thank you.
Leon Sargent
For the record, in unix/linux based operating systems, the leading period in one of the file names mentioned above (.config.gsp), indicates it's a hidden file. So unless you look specifically for it and tell it to show you the hidden files, you will not find that one.
@digarok, would you consider adding the source that generates that PDF to git so that things like this can be improved?