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MayorSec DNS Enumeration Tool



MSDNSScan is used to identify DNS records for target domains, check for zone transfers and conduct subdomain enumeration. There really isn't much special about it, and it's a lot like other tools you see installed on Kali. The goal is to implement some custom tooling into a "MayorSec Toolkit" to be released sometime in the future.


Installing MSDNSScan

git clone

Change directories to msdnsscan and run:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

This will run the install script to add necessary dependencies to your system.

python3 -d <domain> <options>

Options include:

-a, --all - runs all checks

-dn, --dns - checks DNS records

-z, --zone - checks Zone Transfer records

-e, --email - checks Email records (DMARC, SPF, and DKIM)

-s, --subdom - checks for subdomains

-w, --wordlist - uses user input wordlist instead of default

-wl, --weblist - use a wordlist for subdomains

-tx, --test - write results of subdomain scan to a text file

-md, --markdown - write results of subdomain scan to a markdown file for use with Xmind

-il, --input - check subdomain against a list of IP addresses

And that's it!