Hi, thanks for the quick response! 1. no microtuning, but MPE, so there might be some inadvertently bent pitches in there 2. just ~5 fingers polyphony from Linnstrument jamming 3....
yes, only when freezing (right click on the 2nd track -> freeze track), playing is fine and a lot of fun! I just verified: The crash only happens when there...
Hi Paul, same crash with Live 11.1.1. Here is the patch, just in case, and of course MPE has to be enabled in Surge (in Live it had to be...
good point! I edited the logs to leave only the interesting stuff, and attached the full log (as zip, since GH is picky about file types, and with some effort,...
Thanks a lot for taking care of this! I wouldn't mind either solution, as long as there is a clear and documented way for the user to specify a default...
New evidence, I get a sure crash with this Live set and Surge patch, around measure 48. The MPE sequence has to be placed late in the arrangement (measure 32),...
just noticed that 1.1.2 is out, downloading now
nope, still crashing with 1.1.2! What's interesting is that one doesn't need to play the sequence from the start at 32, but anywhere from closely before 48 will crash there....
I haven't been able to get it to crash with the nightly so far. Hope it stays this way! Cheers!