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API mocks for development and testing


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API mocks for development and testing

TShield is an open source proxy for mocks API responses.

  • REST
  • SOAP
  • Session manager to separate multiple scenarios (success, error, sucess variation, ...)
  • Lightweight
  • MIT license

Table of Contents

  • Basic Usage
  • Config options for Pattern Matching
  • Config options for VCR
  • Manage Sessions
  • Custom controllers
  • Features
  • Examples
  • Contributing

Basic Usage


gem install tshield


To run server execute this command


Default port is 4567

Command Line Options

  • -port: Overwrite default port (4567)
  • -help: Show all command line options

Config example

Before run tshield command is necessary to create config file. This is an example of config/tshield.yml

  # wait time for real service
  timeout: 8

# list of domains that will be used
  # Base URI of service
    # name to identify the domain in the generated files
    name: 'service'

    # paths list of all services that will be called
      - /users

Windows Compatibility: If you need to use Tshield in Windows SO, change the config file and set the windows_compatibility to true.


windows_compatibility: true
  # wait time for real service
  timeout: 8

Config options for Pattern Matching

An example of file to create a stub:

All files should be in matching directory. Each file should be a valid JSON array of objects and each object must contain at least the following attributes:

  • method: a http method.
  • path: url path. This attribute accept regex, see example in regex.json
  • response: object with response data. Into session can be used an array of objects to return different responses like vcr mode. See example: multiples_response.json. External file can be used as body content, see example in file.json.

Response must be contain the following attributes:

  • headers: key value object with expected headers to match. In the evaluation process this stub will be returned if all headers are in request.
  • status: integer used http status respose.
  • body: content to be returned.

Optional request attributes:

  • headers: key value object with expected headers to match. In the evaluation process this stub will be returned if all headers are in request.
  • query: works like headers but use query params.

Optional response attributes:

  • delay: integer that represents time in seconds that the response will be delayed to return

Important: If VCR config conflicts with Matching config Matching will be used. Matching config have priority.

Session Configuration

To register stub into a session create an object with following attributes:

  • session: name of session.
  • stubs: an array with objects described above.

Example of HTTP matching configuration

    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/matching/example",
    "query": {
      "user": 123
    "response": {
      "body": "matching-example-response-with-query",
      "headers": {},
      "status": 200
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/matching/example",
    "response": {
      "body": "matching-example-response",
      "headers": {},
      "status": 200
    "method": "POST",
    "path": "/matching/example",
    "headers": {
      "user": "123"
    "response": {
      "body": "matching-example-response-with-headers",
      "headers": {},
      "status": 200
    "method": "POST",
    "path": "/matching/example",
    "response": {
      "body": "matching-example-response-with-post",
      "headers": {},
      "status": 200
    "session": "example-session",
    "stubs": [{
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/matching/example",
      "response": {
        "delay": 5,
        "body": "matching-example-response-in-session",
        "headers": {},
        "status": 200

Config options for HTTP VCR

  timeout: 8
  verify_ssl: <<value>>
    name: 'my-soap-service'
      HTTP_AUTHORIZATION: Authorization
      HTTP_COOKIE: Cookie
    send_header_content_type: true  
      - transfer-encoding
    cache_request: <<value>>
      - <<value>>
      - <<value>>
      - /Operation

    name: 'my-service'
      HTTP_AUTHORIZATION: Authorization
      HTTP_COOKIE: Cookie
      HTTP_DOCUMENTID: DocumentId
      - transfer-encoding
      - /secure
      '/secure': 10

    name: 'my-other-service'
      HTTP_AUTHORIZATION: Authorization
      HTTP_COOKIE: Cookie
      - transfer-encoding
      - /users
      '/users': 5


  • timeout: wait time for real service in seconds
  • verify_ssl: ignores invalid ssl if false


  • Define Base URI of service
  • name: Name to identify the domain in the generated files
  • headers: github-issue #17
  • send_header_content_type: Boolean domain config to send header 'Content-Type' when requesting this domain
  • not_save_headers: List of headers that should be ignored in generated file
  • skip_query_params: List of query params that should be ignored in generated file
  • cache_request: <<some_description>>
  • filters: Implementation of before or after filters used in domain requests
  • excluded_headers: <<some_description>>
  • paths: Paths list of all services that will be called. Used to filter what domain will "receive the request"
  • delay: List of times in seconds that the response will be delayed to return for an specific path defined above

Manage Sessions

You can use TShield sessions to separate multiple scenarios for your mocks

By default TShield save request/response into

requests/<<domain_name>>/<<resource_with_param>>/<<http_verb>>/<<index_based.content and json>>

If you start a session a folder with de session_name will be placed between "requests/" and "<<domain_name>>"

Start TShield session

Start new or existing session

POST to http://localhost:4567/sessions?name=<<same_name>>

curl -X POST \

Stop TShield session

Stop current session

DELETE to http://localhost:4567/sessions

curl -X DELETE \

Append secondary TShield session

Append session. Secondary sessions will used only for read content in VCR mode, writes will be do in the main session. Append only works if exists a current session setted.

POST to http://localhost:4567/sessions?name=<<same_name>>

curl -X POST \

[Experimental] Config options for gRPC

  port: 5678
  proto_dir: 'proto'
      module: 'Helloworld::Greeter'
      hostname: ''

Not Implemented Yet

  • Matching


First, generate ruby files from proto files. Use grpc_tools_ruby_protoc present in the gem grpc-tools. Example:

grpc_tools_ruby_protoc -I proto --ruby_out=proto --grpc_out=proto proto/<INPUT>.proto

Call example in component_tests using grpcurl:

grpcurl -plaintext -import-path component_tests/proto -proto helloworld.proto -d '{"name": "teste"}' localhost:5678 helloworld.Greeter/SayHello

Using in VCR mode

Custom controllers

All custom controller should be created in controllers directory.

Example of controller file called controllers/foo_controller.rb

require 'json'
require 'tshield/controller'

module FooController
  include TShield::Controller
  action :tracking, methods: [:post], path: '/foo'

  module Actions
    def tracking(params, request)
      status 201
      headers 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
      {message: 'foo'}.to_json


Description of some tshield features can be found in the features directory. This features files are used as base for the component tests.


Basic example for a client app requesting an API


Basic example for component/acceptance test using tshield sessions



Hacking or Contributing to TShield