atarist-sidecart-raspberry-pico icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
atarist-sidecart-raspberry-pico copied to clipboard

AtariST cartridge emulator based on Raspberry Pi Pico and RP2040

Results 21 atarist-sidecart-raspberry-pico issues
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## Description Our current setup relies on downloading and emulating floppy disk images directly from a microSD card. This enhancement proposes an exploration into using the device's FLASH memory as...


## Summary Leverage the Bluetooth capabilities of the Raspberry Pi Pico W in the SidecarT board to create a driver that emulates remote keyboard and mouse devices, enhancing the interaction...

help wanted

This feature seeks to further extend the capabilities of the GEMDRIVE Hard Disk Emulation Mode on the SidecarT Board for Atari ST by enabling the mounting of Common Internet File...


WIP in


Hey, just my 2 centes. It would be nice to have a display to know which rom image is currently included. i think a simple i2c oled display should do...


I've been unable to get the latest 68000 FreeMiNT snapshot to boot on my STFM with 4 MB RAM using sidecart 0.0.17 and TOS 1.0.2. First I tried using a...

I would like to navigate the sidecart configurator menus using a joystick. There should be either a cursor or maybe we can make the text/background colour swapped to highlight which...

When booting an emulated drive with EmuTOS, the booting code crashes.


First of all, the SideCartridge is a brilliant device. Thanks for making it and sharing it with us! I'm trying out the GemDrive feature and I'm getting duplicate filename errors...


The SidecarTridge has a limitation of a single physical button (SELECT) due to GPIO restrictions in the Pico W. This limitation was a caveat to implement features like ejecting/inserting emulated...
