atarist-sidecart-raspberry-pico icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
atarist-sidecart-raspberry-pico copied to clipboard

Boot drive select enhancement?

Open Pny opened this issue 3 months ago • 1 comments

Since the cartridge is the first thing to be accessed at power on/reset it might (or not?) be possible to implement a true boot selector function in the SidecarT boot firmware? ...making an unmodified Atari, without any hardware soldered boot select switches, boot from external floppy disk drive or other third party floppy emulator such as the Gotek or similar.

With "true boot select" I mean true bootsector loading from floppy drive B on an Atari STE, not only autofolder booting by changing the register at $446 _bootdev System boot device number.

Pny avatar May 03 '24 11:05 Pny