
Results 74 issues of Haz

Added [Ariakit](https://ariakit.org).


https://github.com/diegohaz/list-react-files/blob/master/src/index.js#L5-L6 Just change the keys. It's not `camelCase`, but `PascalCase`.

Folders inside components with an `index.js` file or folder name. https://github.com/start-react/native-starter-kit

Based on the feedback I received on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/reactjs/comments/5vaycg/reduxmodules_a_modular_approach_to_better/ Just one last gif 😆 ![image](https://media2.giphy.com/media/l0MYGkciganDJm3cc/giphy.gif)

It seems that webpack 4 already handle it.

Hi, @gagle! 👋 I have plans to build an open source component library called "grace". Since it seems to be an inactive package of yours, I'm opening this issue here...

O @hnordt criou uma thread no Slack que acabou gerando uma discussão bacana sobre Redux. Sugeriram trazer a discussão pro fórum. Como eu pretendo escrever uma newsletter sobre isso em...