Hi, is there a build with that included? It looks to me, that it's still not merged into the main branch, right?
I would encourage @Julusian or who ever is responsible to resolve this, as this is a power full feature. Is it in the NHK builds?
People get upset about this issue. See [here](https://casparcgforum.org/t/casparcg-server-hotfix-releases-for-flash-player-end-of-life/3757/16).
> I don't have any ideas on an easy fix for this, as it needs to be done asynchronously. Just issue a REMOVE command first and the ADD command a...
The new [GDD](https://github.com/SuperFlyTV/GraphicsDataDefinition) specification solves this issue.
Funny, that it was not possible to correct this after such a long time...
It's the same with TLS also. Would be nice to see this solved.
Yes, good, go ahead.
That seems to be true for Office 365. The "normal" Excel does work with "Everyone".