Didier Lafforgue
Didier Lafforgue
I narrowed down my local tests so that I can reproduce every time the issue. **Context:** same code as before with a pool size of 5 and a timeout of...
@kostya awesome!!! Downgrading fixed my issues! And now the behavior under "high traffic" is consistent in a sense the time taken by the app to respond just increases. Thanks you...
Hey @markets, thanks for the reply! My bad, I didn't catch the `30k required` rule. I'll poke you once I reach this number. Regarding the second link, if I change...
thanks @markevans ! Will it work efficiently with the **url_host** option? (I use a CDN).
I've applied your workaround in production, works great! Thanks @markevans :-)
Same problem with large HTML messages. Using :body instead of :query does the trick. I don't have time to do a PR (I'm sorry). Great project btw, keep up the...
👋@anilsoniaurionpro, I've got the exact same need for my current project. Did you make it somehow and if not, do you have any hints? Thanks for your help!
thanks @anilsoniaurionpro. I managed to merge my 2 lottie files (same width / height / frames) by doing the same stuff as you did. It wasn't that hard actually, the...
I get that the name is being used by another Ruby gem (which is no longer maintained and outdated) but I will stick with the name Maglev. Besides, on Rubygems,...
@code-bunny you're right, you should have asked in the [Slack channel ](https://join.slack.com/t/maglevhq/shared_invite/zt-1hy671m34-CSfumgCACIeI7veuiCWcig) instead but that's okay :-) So I haven't worked on it for while now. It's a pretty complex...