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Please use the [caffe-users list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/caffe-users) for usage, installation, or modeling questions, or other requests for help. _Do not post such requests to Issues._ Doing so interferes with the development of...
hi, @dicecco1, If I use kernel crp_layer_hwcn_cpfp and set OCFACT to 4, then how could I do the corresponding changes to prototxt? Every thing works ok if I do not...
Do you have any plans to accelerate caffe with Intel Arria 10 FPGA?
When I was running ./examples/mnist/train_lenet_ocl_hwcn.sh. It seems like the xclbin files cannot be found. I did copy the bitstream into .build_release/opencl/src/caffe/layers/. The error message is as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: No...
Hello, I try to use python to run the Alexnet model,My code like this: ``` import caffe MODEL_FILE = 'alexnet_four_channel_model.caffemodel' DEPLOY_FILE = 'config/deploy.prototxt' TEST_ROOT = 'datas/' caffe.set_mode_cpu() net = caffe.Net(DEPLOY_FILE,...
Hi @dicecco1 , Came across this work on SDAccel forum and read your paper, thx for open-sourcing! After tweaking around the Makefile I am able to finish Make-ing the codes,...
Hi @dicecco1 , I want rebuild winograd_pe.xclbin, but I can't find winograd_pe.cl in src/caffe/ocl_caffe/convolution/winograd/, can you help update it?