I plan to use NCIT more, actually, for human-related things like exercise and homeless. For "exposure stimuli" I would suggest holding off. We should probably all use the COB term...
Oh, are there more terms to add? I guess the newly approved ones are green?
As of now, all the terms highlighted in green have been added to the staging files. EXCEPT for homeless.
and....this also pushes up against immunological exposures - might be out of scope for ECTO
As far as I know we are looking at the spreadsheet periodically and adding terms to ECTO as soon as they are added to other ontologies. Is that not going...
exposure event is already a process, inherited from ExO.
See https://github.com/CTDbase/exposure-ontology/issues/10 If they don't respond in one week, contact directly.
I agree with using the COB root instead of the ExO root and I can make that change as soon as COB is available. I will also use a COB...
chemical names are a known disaster - I did some mapping here ages ago that maybe we can use - if I can find it.
Hmmm. I thought we had covered everything in MRE