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Acceptance testing DSL for Test::Unit


Filet is a dsl for acceptance testing on top of Test::Unit.

Why filet?

Filet is framework agnostic, it can be used with plain Ruby or it can integrate with Rails or any framework of your choice, you can use it with Capybara, Webrat or any other tools you like. Filet has no dependencies. Filet is Test:Unit but pretty!


gem install filet


To use filet just include in your test_helper

require 'filet'
include Filet


feature 'Creating a post', %{
  As a user
  I want to create a post
  In order to show it to people
} do

  background do
    # setup data

  scenario 'Everything goes fine after a submit' do
    # test code

  context 'Something goes wrong', :js => true do

    background do
      # setup more data

    scenario 'my keyboard stopped working' do
      # test code

    scenario 'I forgot to fill up the form' do
      # test code

    teardown do
      # clean up


We provide several hooks for options processing.

  1. Filet.feature_hook

    This allows to process the options you pass for the feature

    Filet.feature_hook do |base, options|
      base.send(:include, Capybara::DSL)
  2. Filet.context_hook

    This allows to process the options you pass for the context

    Filet.context_hook do |base, options|
      base.send(:include, SomeModule) if options[:js]
  3. Filet.base_klass

    This allows you to define the base_klass of your tests. It tries to make a guess based on your environment and integrates with Rails 3 and Rails 2. The default is Test::Unit::TestCase.

    Filet.base_klass = ActiveSupport::TestCase

    NOTE: This hook must be initialized before you include the Filet module


Filet supports and is tested against ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, jruby-1.6.2 and rubinius-1.2.4

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Rails Integration

It tries to make a guess based on your environment and integrates with Rails 3 and Rails 2. We recommend that you place your tests inside the test/integration folder.


We'd like to thank our employer XING AG for letting us work on this project as part of our innovation time and releasing it as open source. We also want to thank Luismi Cavallé for steak which was our inspiration to do this and all the great people that have made Testing so easy.