dialogflow-java-client-v2 copied to clipboard
Java client for Dialogflow: Design and integrate a conversational user interface into your applications and devices.
I want use it in android ? Is there a simple of Android?
I have created a very simple spring boot application. I am trying to call my bot from my spring boot application (RestController). I am behind my company's firewall. OS -...
Hi I am trying to build the following WebhookResponse payload using apis but getting into "FieldDescriptor does not match message type" issue. Please find the following code snippet and correct...
The following code is more or less the same from the examples ``` public void run(MessageBean bean) { String query = bean.getQuery(); try (SessionsClient sessionsClient = SessionsClient.create()) { SessionName session...
Training phrases are not retrieved while listing all Intents i.e. calling the function in listIntents in IntentManagement.java
I tried starting from the "DetectsIntentStreaming.java" example to make an application that would acquire the audio streaming from the microphone continuously trying to determine the intent. I tried to acquire...
@abhi007tyagi hi, thankyou for your code. i've implemented it on my application. But i wonder how to make double responses on android. it would be great if it can. ![Screenshot_20190328-130118...
I can't find same method to change parameter's value of context.
I am recording an audio message in Chrome (and Firefox) using the MediaRecorder API. The options for the stream are set to webm/opus for Chrome and ogg/opus for Firefox I...
Actually, i am using the V1 Dialogflow Client Java SDK. \ \ai.api\ \libai\ \1.6.12\ \ In the current stable version (1.6.12) we have the possibility to set the Contexts before...