mock-req icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mock-req copied to clipboard

Mocks the http.IncomingMessage (request) for Node.js


Mocks node.js http.IncomingMessage (a request). See also mock-res.

Being a readable/writable stream, you can pipe the request body to and from it.


See test.js for further usage.

var MockReq = require('mock-req');

// Basic usage
var req = new MockReq();

// With options
var req = new MockReq({
	method: 'PUT',
	url: '/stuff?q=thing',
	headers: {
		'Accept': 'text/plain'

	// arbitrary properties:
	search: 'thing'

// Write body

// Or stringify to JSON
	val: 5

// Or even buffers
req.write(new Buffer('buf'));

// End body

// NOTE req.end() is automatically called if 
// method is set to GET/HEAD/DELETE.

Example test case

var assert = require('assert');
var ping = require('./ping-handler');
var MockReq = require('mock-req');

function test(done) {
	/* Arrange */
	var req = new MockReq({
		method: 'GET',
		url: '/stuff',
		headers: {
			'Accept': 'text/plain'

	// NOTE: `req.end()` is automatically called for GET/HEAD/DELETE methods

	// Use `mock-res` for a better mock
	var res = {
		end: end

	/* Act */
	ping(req, res);

	/* Assert */
	function end(data) {
		assert.equal(data, 'okay');

		done(); // this is an async test


The options parameter is optional.

  • method: The request's method, defaults to 'GET'
  • url: The request's URL, defaults to ''
  • headers: A case insensitive name/value object

All other values will be copied to the request.


  • All readable/writable stream methods.
  • req._fail(error) Causes the request to emit an error when written to.