deep-text-classifier-mtl copied to clipboard
It is a tensorflow script for multi-task learning implementation of Kim's paper : Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification.
It is a tensorflow implementation using MULTI-TASK LEARNING for Kim's Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification paper in Tensorflow.
Core methods are derived from dennybritz implementation The major refactoring has been done to incorporate the following:
- Loading pre-trained word embeddings
- Loading tab separated training text (format : label
text ) - Training multiple different binary classification tasks at once (Multi-Task Learning - alternative)
CNN text classifier
Following diagram is depicting the deep architecture for a single binary text classification task using Convolutional Neural Networks. Image taken from Ye Zhang's paper.
Multi-Task Learning
In multi-task alternative training, same model is alternatively trained to perform multiple binary classification tasks in the same language.
Multi-task training can exploit the fact that different sequence tagging tasks in one language share language-specific regularities. The basic idea is to share part of the architecture and parameters between tasks, and to alternatively train multiple objective functions with respect to different tasks. Tensorflow automatically figures out which calculations are needed for the operation you requested, and only conducts those calculations. This means that if we define an optimiser on only one of the tasks, it will only train the parameters required to compute that task - and will leave the rest alone. Since Task 1 relies only on the Task 1 and Shared Layers, the Task 2 layer will be untouched. Let’s draw another diagram with the desired optimisers at the end of each task.
- Python 3
- Tensorflow > 0.8
- Numpy
Print parameters:
./ --help
usage: [-h] [--word2vec WORD2VEC] [--embedding_dim EMBEDDING_DIM]
[--filter_sizes FILTER_SIZES] [--filter_h_pad FILTER_H_PAD]
[--num_filters NUM_FILTERS]
[--dropout_keep_prob DROPOUT_KEEP_PROB]
[--l2_reg_lambda L2_REG_LAMBDA]
[--max_document_words MAX_DOCUMENT_WORDS]
[--training_files TRAINING_FILES]
[--hidden_units HIDDEN_UNITS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS] [--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY]
[--checkpoint_every CHECKPOINT_EVERY]
[--allow_soft_placement [ALLOW_SOFT_PLACEMENT]]
[--log_device_placement [LOG_DEVICE_PLACEMENT]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--word2vec WORD2VEC Word2vec file with pre-trained embeddings (default:
--embedding_dim EMBEDDING_DIM
Dimensionality of character embedding (default: 300)
--filter_sizes FILTER_SIZES
Comma-separated filter sizes (default: '2,3,4')
--filter_h_pad FILTER_H_PAD
Pre-padding for each filter (default: 5)
--num_filters NUM_FILTERS
Number of filters per filter size (default: 128)
--dropout_keep_prob DROPOUT_KEEP_PROB
Dropout keep probability (default: 0.5)
--l2_reg_lambda L2_REG_LAMBDA
L2 regularizaion lambda (default: 0.0)
--max_document_words MAX_DOCUMENT_WORDS
Max length (left to right max words to consider) in
every doc, else pad 0 (default: 100)
--training_files TRAINING_FILES
Comma-separated list of training files (each file is
tab separated format) (default: None)
--hidden_units HIDDEN_UNITS
Number of hidden units in softmax regression layer
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch Size (default: 64)
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
Number of training epochs (default: 200)
--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY
Evaluate model on dev set after this many steps
(default: 100)
--checkpoint_every CHECKPOINT_EVERY
Save model after this many steps (default: 100)
--allow_soft_placement [ALLOW_SOFT_PLACEMENT]
Allow device soft device placement
--log_device_placement [LOG_DEVICE_PLACEMENT]
Log placement of ops on devices
./ --training_files /mnt/train_task1.txt,/mnt/train_task2.txt
./ --eval_train --checkpoint_dir="./runs/1472534740/checkpoints/"
Replace the checkpoint dir with the output from the training. To use your own data, change the
script to load your data.