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Render RL environments on a web browser with just one extra line of code.

Render Gym Environments to a Web Browser.

While working on a head-less server, it can be a little tricky to render and see your environment simulation. This script allows you to render your environment onto a browser by just adding one line to your code.


xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1400x900x24" bash # Run this if you're using a head-less server.
pip3 install render_browser

Or you can install from the source by cloning this repo and running pip3 install ..


Put your code in a function and replace your normal env.render() with yield env.render(mode='rgb_array'). Encapsulate this function with the render_browser decorator.

import gym
from render_browser import render_browser

def test_policy(policy):
    # Your function/code here.
    env = gym.make('Breakout-v0')
    obs = env.reset()

    while True:
        yield env.render(mode='rgb_array')
        # ... run policy ...
        obs, rew, _, _ = env.step(action)


When you visit your_ip:5000 on your browser, test_policy() will be called and you'll be able to see the rendered environment on your browser window.


  • Stop flask server once the rendering stops - so that render_browser can be called more than once in a single run.
  • Allow I/P from keyboard on the browser, useful for teleoperation in robotic environments.