browser-bookmarks.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
browser-bookmarks.nvim copied to clipboard

A Neovim plugin to open your browser bookmarks right from the editor!


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A Neovim Telescope extension to open your browser bookmarks right from the editor!


Screenshot configuration
  require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown {
    layout_config = {
      width = 0.8,
      height = 0.8,
    previewer = false,

Supported browsers on the respective OS:

Browser Operating System
MacOS Linux Windows
Google Chrome ☑️ ☑️ ☑️
Google Chrome Beta ☑️ ☑️ ☑️
Brave ☑️ ☑️ ☑️
Safari [1] ☑️ - -
Firefox ☑️ ☑️ ☑️
Microsoft Edge ☑️ ☑️ ☑️
Vivaldi ☑️ ☑️ ☑️

Supported tools:

  • buku - bookmark manager

Please take a look at the Caveats section if you're planning to use this plugin with Safari.


Requires Neovim

Neovim version requirement is the same as that of telescope.nvim.


The project follows semantic versioning, so it's recommended to specify the tag when installing. The latest released version can be found here.

The plugin managers mentioned below supports wildcard (*) in the tag key which points to the latest git tag. You can specify a specific version if you'd prefer to inspect the changes before updating.

Using packer.nvim

use {
  tag = '*',
  -- Uncomment if the selected browser is Firefox or buku
  -- requires = {
  --   'kkharji/sqlite.lua',
  -- }

Using vim-plug

Plug 'dhruvmanila/telescope-bookmarks.nvim', { 'tag': '*' }
" Uncomment if the selected browser is Firefox or buku
" Plug 'kkharji/sqlite.lua'


To get started, simply load the extension:


You can open the picker either from the command-line or calling the lua function:

" From the command-line
Telescope bookmarks

" Using lua function
lua require('telescope').extensions.bookmarks.bookmarks(opts)

Telescope can lazily load the extension when needed, but that can only be called using the lua function. The command-line argument will not work as the extension is not yet loaded.

When you press Enter on a selected bookmark, it will open the URL using either the url_open_plugin or url_open_command option in your default browser. Multiple bookmarks can be opened at the same time using multi selections feature in Telescope.


Extension options:

require('telescope').setup {
  extensions = {
    bookmarks = {
      -- Available: 'brave', 'buku', 'chrome', 'chrome_beta', 'edge', 'safari', 'firefox', 'vivaldi'
      selected_browser = 'brave',

      -- Either provide a shell command to open the URL
      url_open_command = 'open',

      -- Or provide the plugin name which is already installed
      -- Available: 'vim_external', 'open_browser'
      url_open_plugin = nil,

      -- Show the full path to the bookmark instead of just the bookmark name
      full_path = true,

      -- Provide a custom profile name for Firefox
      firefox_profile_name = nil,

      -- Add a column which contains the tags for each bookmark for buku
      buku_include_tags = false,

      -- Provide debug messages
      debug = false,

For Firefox users, the default profile will be used if firefox_profile_name is not provided. This is obtained by parsing the profiles config file present in the default config directory.

If the user has provided url_open_plugin then it will be used, otherwise default to using url_open_command. Supported plugins for url_open_plugin and the respective plugin function used to open the URL:



The application which is used to run neovim should be allowed full disk access as the bookmarks file (~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist) is in a restricted directory. This can be done in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Full Disk Access and then click on the checkbox next to your preferred application. Please take a look at the below image for more details:

Allow full disk access to the application running neovim (iTerm2) Full disk access settings
