MVAE copied to clipboard
This repository contains the code to the paper "MVAE: Multimodal Variational Autoencoder for Fake News Detection"
Hi. Thank you for your great work. I am trying to reproduce the model for Twitter dataset but there is a missing file named "image_embed.pkl". without it, the reproduction wouldn't...
As in the requirements.txt, the program need to run in a enivrenment with tensorflow>=1.14.0 and tensorboard>=1.14.0. But the program requires to from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter, which requires tensorboard after 1.15.0....
On the Weibo dataset, I only got 71 accuracy socre. I didn't change your model or training parameters. Cause I don't have image_embed.pkl and xx_content_segmented.txt, I can only preprocess the...
I am unable to get your dataset used in MVAE model in the correct format that used in your model. I am also unable to get Weibo Dataset source. please...
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 1 if __name__ == '__main__': ----> 2 train(47, 4096, 64, 0.05, 0.3, 'models/vae_fnd_0.05_0.3') 3 # test(20, 4096, 64, 0.05, 0.3, 'models/vae_fnd_0.05_0.3') 4...
I tried the code in my datasets and the results are worse than that without VAE. Have you tried the model without VAE?